Selasa, 13 September 2011



Mata Pelajaran          : Biologi
Kelas / Semester         : XI (Sebelas)/ 1
Pertemuan                  : 1 dan 2
Alokasi Waktu            : 4  jam pelajaran
Standar Kompetensi      :     1.            Memahami struktur dan fungsi sel sebagai unit terkecil kehidupan
Kompetensi Dasar        :  1.1  Mendeskripsikan komponen kimiawi sel, struktur dan fungsi sel sebagai unit        
Tujuan                        : 1.   Siswa mampu membuat preparat pengamatan sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan, mengamati, dan menggambar hasil pengamatan
2.      Siswa mampu menjelaskan perbedaan sel mati dan sel hidup, sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan, serta sel prokariotik dan sel eukariotik
Subject                         : Biology
Grade/Semester           : XI (Eleven)/1
Session                                    : 1 and 2
Time alocation                        : 4 teaching time
Standard of Competence: 1. Understanding structure and function of cell as the smallest unit of
                                           Living thing
Base Competence        : 1. 1. describing the chemistry components, structure and function  of the      
                                          Cell as a unit of living thing
Goals                           : 1. Students are able to make preparat of animal and plant cells, observing, and drawing their observation results.
                                     2. Students are able to explain the differences of living and dead cell, animal and plant cell, and procaryotic and eucaryotic cells    

I.    Indikator
·         Membuat preparat pengamatan mikroskopis sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan
·         Menggambar struktur sel berdasarkan hasil pengamatan mikroskopis
·         Membandingkan struktur sel hidup dan sel mati
·         Membandingkan struktur sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan
·         Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi membran sel, sitoplasma, dan inti sel
·         Mendeskripsikan perbedaan struktur sel prokariotik dan sel eukariotik
I. Indicators
  1. Students are able to make microscopic preparat of animal and plant cells
  2. Students must draw their observation results
  3. Students are able to distinguish the differences dead and living cells
  4. Students are able to distinguish the differences between animal and plant cells
  5. Students are able to describe the differences between procaryotics and eucaryotic cells

II.  Materi Ajar
·         Struktur sel dan fungsi sel meliputi,
1.      Membran sel
2.      Sitoplasma
3.      Inti sel
·         Perbedaan sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan
·         Sel prokariotik dan sel eukariotik
II. Teaching material
·         Structure and function of the cell, including:
1)      Cell membrane
2)      Cytoplasms
3)      Nucleus
·         The differences between animal and plant cells
·         Procaryotics and eucaryotic cells

III. Metode Pembelajaran
III. Teaching Methods
      Observation, discussion, and tasks

IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
IV. Teaching steps

Pertemuan 1 (2 jam pembelajaran)
Session 1(2 teaching hours)
A.     Kegiatan awal (10 menit)
·         Guru memberi pengantar ruang lingkup materi tentang sel.
·         Guru meminta siswa melakukan pengamatan sel dengan menggunakan Kegiatan 1.3 dan 1.4.
A. Initial Activities (10 minutes)
·         Teacher gives the scope about cell
·         Teacher asks to the students to do observations as in Activity 1.3
B.     Kegiatan inti (70 menit)
·         Guru mendemonstrasikan cara membuat preparat pengamatan mikroskopis sel tumbuhan dan sel hewan.
·         Siswa mengambil alat dan bahan untuk praktek pengamatan sel  tumbuhan dan sel hewan.
·         Siswa  membuat preparat sel tumbuhan kemudian mengamati di bawah mikroskop
·         Siswa menggambar hasil pengamatan.
·         Siswa membuat preparat sel hewan kemudian mengamatinya di bawah mikroskop
·         Siswa menggambar hasil pengamatan.
·         Siswa membuat laporan hasil pengamatan.
B.Main activities (70 minutes)
·         Teacher demonstrates how to make microscopic preparat of the animal and plant cell
·         Students take out the tools and material of the animal and plant cell to be observed
·         Students make preparat of plant’s cell and observe them
·         Studens draw their observation’s results
·         Students make preparat of animal’s cell and observe them
·         Studens draw their observation’s results
·         Students make their own report
C.     Kegiatan akhir (10 menit)
·         Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan struktur sel yang dapat diamati dengan menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dan fungsinya.
·         Siswa bersama guru mendiskusikan perbedaan sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan berdasarkan hasil pengamatan.
·         Siswa mengumpulkan laporan hasil pengamatan.
C. Final activities (10 minutes)
·         Students and teacher make conclusion about the cell’s structure that possible to be observed using a microscope
·         Students together with the teacher discuss the differences between animal and plant cells
·         Students submitt their own report

Pertemuan 2 (2 jam pelajaran)
Session 2 (2 teaching hours)
A.     Kegiatan awal (10 menit)
·         Guru menanyakan kembali perbedaan sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan.
A. Initial Acivity (10 minutes)
·           Teacher reasking the differences between animal and plant cells
B.     Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)
·         Guru menunjukkan gambar sel-sel gabus dan sel hewan/sel tumbuhan.
·         Siswa diminta membedakan sel hewan/sel tumbuhan dengan sel gabus.
·         Siswa diminta memberi nama bagian-bagian sel hewan dan tumbuhan dan fungsinya
·         Guru menunjukkan gambar sel bakteri.
·         Siswa diminta membedakan struktur sel hewan/sel tumbuhan dengan sel bakteri.
·         Siswa menyimpulkan perbedaan sel eukariotik dan sel prokariotik.
B. Main activities (70 minutes)
·         Teacher shows the cells of stereofoam and animal/plant cell
·         Students are asked to distinguish between animal/plant cells and stereofoam cells
·         Students are asked to name parts and functions of animal and plant cells
·         Teacher shows the picture of bacteria cells
·         Students are asked to distinguish between animal/plant cells and bacteria cells
·         Students make conclusions of procaryotics and eucaryotics ones
C.     Kegiatan Akhir (10 menit)
·         Siswa bersama guru menyimpulkan perbedaan sel hidup dan sel mati, sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan, serta sel eukariotik dan sel prokariotik.
C. Main Activity (10 minutes)
·         Students together with the teacher make conclusions about differences between dead and living cells; animal and plant cells; and procaryotics and eucaryotics cells.

V.  Alat/Bahan/Sumber
·         Buku Kerja Biologi 2A, Ign Khristiyono, Esis
·         Buku Biologi XI, Dyah Aryulina, Esis, Bab 1
·         Mikroskop
·         Lembar Kegiatan 1.3 dan 1.4
V, Tools/Material/Sources
·         Biology students book, 2 A edition, Ign. Khristiono, Esis
·         BiologyXI, Dyah Aryulina, Esis, Chapter 1
·         Microscopes
·         Students worksheet 1.3 and 1.4

VI. Penilaian
·         Laporan hasil pengamtan sel
·         Uji kompetensi tertulis
VI. Scoring
·         Report of cells’ observation
·         Written test


                     Sukoharjo,4 July 2011
Known  by :
      Top Manager                                  Koordinator MGMP                                        Teacher                                   

            Bambang Arif Rahman, MA             Dra. Hj. Sirikit Eko Usdiyani                        Drs. Sugimin

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